July 13, 2015

MINUTES: July 13, 2015

Mabel League Team Rep and Executive Meeting

Alma Blackwell Common Room, 1656 Adanac Street Vancouver, B.C. V5L 2C6

Present:  Shelley (Wombats), Natasha (Boom), Jena (Sway), Emma/Amanda (Heartbreakers), Sue/Carmen (Tanks), Jodi (leonard.), Shawna (50 Shades), Michelle (Reckless), Newry (Isotopes), Becky (Oddballs), Clare (Plan B), Romy (Beavers), Jeanette (BB9), Katie (DITB), Nancy (Kugars), Meg (Marla Hooch), Shelby (Ballerz)

Exec:  Amil, Kris, Rebecca, Tammy, Stacey, Chester

Called to order at 7:02 p.m.

Chair: Tammy

  1. Welcome
  2. Executive 2015 recruitment – the season is coming to a close. Not all of the executive plan to run again next year.  If you are interested in running, please come see one of us to talk about the position(s) you’d be interested in etc.
  3. AGM September 10th – proposals must be submitted one month in advance and in the proscribed format. Please see an exec member who can get you the form, and help you determine whether it is a formal proposal or an agenda item.

Co-Chair: Tammy for Elan

  1. a) There will not be a “Night at the Nat” this year. Timing just didn’t work out.  Also, seats in the new section are now $50 each for groups.

Registrar: Tammy for Sarah

  1. Scorebooks due – please hand them in to Tammy, along with tally sheet. Please keep enough scoresheets for the remainder of the season.  If you need more sheets, feel free to print out the Lil sheets sent to you previously – those will work fine for regular games.

Stats: Kris

  1. Finals schedule information – The draft schedule is done. It is a very tight schedule with so many teams and so few fields.  It should be finalized in the next two days and sent out.  However, your team’s ranking will not be determined until all regular season games have been played.  Please, submit scores right away so that the rankings can be done.  Kris will be away after this Thursday.  Please send any scheduling queries to Amil (fields@mabelleague.com) as well as to Kris as Amil will be handling rankings etc. while Kris is away.
  2. Review reporting scores – please do this ASAP.
  3. Standings – current standings have been sent out. These are subject to change as the final regular season games are played.

New Business

  1. Question as to how complaints and grievances are handled.

Answer:  In accordance with the Operating Rules, rules grievances are handled by the Grievance Committee, which is comprised of players and Exec members.  Please submit grievances to the Exec ASAP so that this committee can be convened.

Policy infringements are handled by the Exec.  Please submit, via email, incidences of policy transgressions to the Executive (Chair, or another member if that is more comfortable for you).  The executive as a whole will consider the report and take any required further steps.  Generally further steps will include contacting the team rep of the involved party, and hearing from involved persons.  With respect to the Zero Tolerance alcohol and violence policies, infringements may result in suspension from all Mabel League activities or permanent expulsion from the League.

  1. 50 Shades of Gay have arranged with Stateside Craft to host a season ending party. Look for details after the finals.
  1. Issue of an Intermediate team who is having trouble fielding a team for finals. No one wants to see a team have to forfeit finals.  Alternatives were discussed.  As the team has too many injuries and people away to benefit from a lowering of the 5 games played requirement, other strategies were explored.  It was noted that several Competitive division teams are having similar issues.

VOTE:  For the 2015 Finals tournament only, Recreational players who have played at least 5 (five) regular season games for their Recreational team may play for 1 (one) Intermediate team in the Finals tournament.

Passed unanimously.

VOTE:  For the 2015 Finals tournament only, Intermediate players who have played at least 5 (five) regular season games for their Intermediate team may play for 1 (one) Competitive team in the Finals tournament.

Passed unanimously.

CLARIFICATION:  It has long been the policy of the league that players may only play for one team per division at Finals, regardless of whether they played 5 or more regular season games for multiple teams in a division.  This remains the case, even with the relaxed requirements above.

Players without 5 (five) regular season games on their registered team may NOT play for another team at Finals.  Only players who have played the required number of games for their registered team qualify under the relaxed requirements above.

Under the relaxed requirements above, players may only play in the division directly above their registered team’s division.  No one may play in a lower division without having played 5 or more regular season games for that team.

The relaxed requirements above are a one-time exemption.  This is not to be viewed as a precedent for future Finals tournaments.

NOTE:  Teams must include any players added to their rosters on their SPN before the player may play.

  1. Number of games required for Competitive Division – as the Competitive Division played fewer regular season games this year, the number of required games will be lowered. 4 games has been proposed by the Executive.  The team reps for the four Competitive teams will decide between them if they wish this number to be further lowered, and so advise the Executive.

Meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.