March 9, 2015 Team Rep and Executive Minutes

Called to order at 7:06 p.m.

 Chair: Tammy

  1. Welcome and Introduction (round)
  2. Executive update – Connie has had to step down as Treasurer. Rebecca has stepped into the position in addition to her role as Secretary.
  3. Update on proposal for Connaught inter-league play – after consultation with teams in the Comp. division the plan to interplay with Connaught has been scrapped. What will more likely happen will be a Mabel League team joining the Connaught league, made up of players from the Comp. division. We hope this will foster community between the two leagues and perhaps encourage a Connaught team or two to join the Lil Tournie.

Co-Chair: Elan via Tammy

  1. Forfeit bond – stack your rosters! – please have enough players on your roster to ensure that you won’t have to forfeit any games. Please feel free to pick up subs as you need them (just make sure they’re signed on to SPN for your team first)
  2. Skills Clinics – April dates – TBD. Watch Facebook for updates.

Registrar: Sarah via Tammy

  1. Team Registration forms Due $250 – Rebecca is collecting registration forms and league fee deposits
  2. SPN and Roster forms due May 11 (but players can be added after that date) – the Mabel roster will change a bit this year. You will still need to sign a paper form, but we will be requiring an electronic form to be filled out with player information as handwriting has proven too difficult to read in years past.
  3. LIL Registration forms and fees due May 11
  4. New players list – the list has been updated and sent to all team reps. Please keep Sarah informed if you pick up any players from the list so their names can be removed. We encourage you to pick up players to ensure that you don’t forfeit any games this year
  5. New teams update – looks like we have three teams joining the league this year. Please contact the exec if you need any guidance.
  6. Team Rep and Exec Contact info – to be emailed out after registration forms received.

Special Events: Bri

  1. Meet Mabel report – the event was a success. We think quite a few new players landed on teams they met at the event.
  2. Volunteer assignments – those who emailed in a preference were given that volunteer position. The rest will be filled at the meeting. Teams not in attendance will be assigned the leftover positions. Volunteer jobs will be emailed out, along with a description of the job expectation.
  3. Meltdown – Corsa has volunteered to host the event. They will work with Bri to bring you the good times you’re used to! Watch Facebook for details.

 UIC: Shannon

  1. Umpire training dates – March 28th for Level 1. Contact UIC if you need details.
  2. Getting Mabel league members involved in Umpiring – We encourage all teams reps to encourage their players and coaches to get trained as umpires as it is beneficial to us all if we have homegrown umpires
  3. Rules Clinic update – Pat Dooley will attend the next team rep meeting. It is a requirement that each team have at least one player in attendance for this important meeting, and you are encouraged to invite your whole team to attend.
  4. Rules & Grievance Committee update – The committee has been struck. Shelley will represent the competitive division, Paige the intermediate and Suzanne the recreational.
  5. Team colours – now that we know which teams are returning and how many new teams there are, we can discuss colours for the new teams. Please stay after the meeting to give UIC your preferred colours. Note that you can’t be the same colour as an existing team for safety reasons.

Treasurer: Rebecca

  1. Team deposit ($250) due
  2. Balance of team fees ($950 + $200 forfeit bond = $1150) due May 11
  3. LIL fees ($350) due May 11
  4. Budget update – the budget remains the same as previously presented. It will be revised now that we know we have 19 teams (previous budget was formed assuming 17 teams) and presented at the next team rep meeting

Stats: Kris

  1. Anticipated teams and divisions – with 19 teams now registered we will have to confer about where the division lines will be drawn.   Please stay after the meeting if your team has had significant changes to the roster that should affect your placement. Divisions and positions will be disseminated in the next day or two, along with interdivisional play proposals.
  2. Schedule – the schedule should come out in the beginning of April. We couldn’t start on it until we were sure how many teams would register and the divisional lines were decided. Please note that all teams will be given an equal number of weekday and weekend games.

Fields: Amil

  1. a) Update on fields: our traditional fields are booked. We are looking into some others, but have to wait until teams grandfathered on those fields have finished booking them. We have Trout Lake booked for the Lil. We are also trying to obtain Bobolink Field. If we do, we’ll use Bobolink. If not, we’ll be back at Trout Lake as usual. We will advise once we know either way.

New Business

Team Sway is looking to purchase a pitching machine this month. Once they have, it will be available for all teams in the league to rent.

Off the Rail, a new brewery run by Trigger, has offered to give a discount to players in uniform who show up after games.

Any new teams feel they would benefit from a mentor? Corsa will follow up with Heartbreakers.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.