

The Mabel League schedule is created before the season has begun and after all teams are confirmed. The Statistician is responsible for the schedule with input from the Fields person and with support from the entire Executive.

2024 Schedule
updated July 21, 2024

Schedule Creation Timeline

  1. Jan to Feb: teams returning are confirmed, as are any new teams (if applicable).
  2. Feb: the Fields person books fields for the entire year. We have ‘historical bookings’ that we receive from the city automatically, but any new fields or new time slots for fields are on a first-come-first-serve basis and subject to MAJOR competition and other leagues’ historical bookings within the city.
  3. March: teams are able to submit requests for accommodations. The Statistician creates a draft schedule.
  4. April: the Executive team reviews the draft; it is sent to Team Leads before the April Team Rep meeting for review and comment; schedule is finalized and distributed to the League by the April Team Rep meeting.

The Statistician continues to manage the schedule throughout the season, handling rainouts, etc.


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